Nearly Two Years After State Prosecutor Jack Campbell Charged 17-year-old DeShon Rashard Thomas with 2 Counts of First Degree Murder, There’s Still No Sworn Statement from “Key Witness”

According to an article that I recently read on an MSNBC website, law school graduates seeking to get law licenses have to pass the Florida Bar’s two-pronged test: an exam and a moral character review. I did not do the research to find out when The Florida Bar put that two-pronged test into effect. Nor did I do the research to find out what tests were required for existing attorneys, especially those who have been practicing law for over 30 years. I’m not a law school student, but I know that in some criminal cases 30 years ago, law enforcement officers, in conjunction with state prosecutors, didn’t use a whole lot of man hours when investigating criminal cases. You see, there were, and still are, those in authority who have sold their souls to the devil by knowingly lying on innocent people and allowing that innocent person to serve jail and or prison time for committing murders and other crimes.
Over 30 years ago, if a law enforcement officer said that someone committed a murder, then there you go—one or two paid off witnesses later—and the state prosecutor was guaranteed to get a jury to return a guilty verdict. If you think that this is false, just ask my new friend William Dillon who spent 27 years in prison for a 1981 murder that he didn’t commit. William Dillon, his girlfriend, Ellen and I spent hours on the phone discussing his case and my son’s case. He pointed out similarities of my son’s case and his–he too voluntarily went down to the sheriff’s office because of their focus on him and no one else. William Dillon was 21-years-old when he was charged with the beating death of a man he’d never came in contact with. In 2008, DNA evidence eventually cleared William Dillon. Governor Rick Scott would later sign a claims bill that will compensate him a monetary settlement of $1.35 million, but that will never be enough for taking an innocent man away from his loving family, opportunity to be a base stellar baseball pitcher, a loving husband and father in his prime.
No one person could convict William Dillon of such a heinous crime. The root of it all was the sheriff’s office. Then it grew to the state prosecutor. Then an ill-will dog handler that worked for the sheriff’s office; there were paid witness, jailhouse snitches, and a bloody T-shirt. All of these things were placed in front of a jury—who then returned a guilty verdict. The judge sentenced William Dillon to life in prison based on all lies. Now the descendants of all of those people and other innocent taxpayers, have to pay William Dillon for the rest of his natural life.
My name is Carissa Chambers, my son, DeShon Rashard Thomas, was 17-years-old, in the 2nd semester of college and working approximately 35 hours a week at Taco Bell—a job that he enjoyed, when he was charged with two counts of 1st Degree Murder. The two victims were his 20-year-old pregnant ex-girlfriend and her 17-year-old brother. Both my son and the female victim were involved in other relationships and were basically looking forward to the birth of the baby. Although my son told me that he wasn’t for sure if he was the father of the unborn baby, we still supported the young woman. My oldest son had just became a father of a baby girl, so when DeShon’s ex-girlfriend called me to inform me that she was pregnant with a girl, I started preserving my new granddaughter’s items. Had my son’s ex-girlfriend lived and had her daughter, my granddaughters would’ve been just about 13 months apart. My two sons would’ve brought the daughters that I never had, by way of granddaughters, into my life. (Pending DNA results of course—my boys will tell you, “Mama ain’t no fool.”) After the murders, the female victim’s current 21-year-old boyfriend (who they shared a history of on again off again dating) told detectives that she told him that he was the father of her unborn baby. This young man, who had recently had dinner with the female victim and her family, wasn’t interviewed by detectives until four days after the victims were found murdered. And that interview took place at his job. As I like to always refer back to information that I was provided with (which is always hard to tell who’s telling the truth) as I’m typing this article I went back to look at what I now know to be an altered copy of the Discovery Report that I received from my son’s former attorney, Gregory Cummings, to verify the date of the young man’s interview—and out popped the wrong date of his birth next to his name. It’s bad enough that as the victim’s boyfriend and possible father of the unborn baby, he never came to the crime scene or to the sheriff’s office to see what had happened or to offer any information. Could it be possible that he gave detectives the wrong date of his birth in order to keep them from immediately finding out that he was on probation and had a felony record—prior drug charges. After all, the victims’ mother owned a Chevy Tahoe and her girlfriend drove a pink BMW. They had separate residences but neither one of them were employed. A year prior to the murders, the victims’ mother took out a police report against this current boyfriend claiming that he’d stolen the license plate to her car. When it comes to reading the Discovery Report in my son’s case, I really can’t distinguish if things that have been said are detectives’ errors or witnesses’ lies. Either way, they don’t support State Prosecutor Jack Campbell’s charges.
I wonder if my son’s former Defense Attorney Gregory Cummings had to take The Florida Bar’s two-pronged test of exam and moral character. In his response to my Florida Bar complaint, he states that he’s been practicing law for over 30 years. He even goes on to boast about how he’s argued cases in front of Judge James Hankinson. When I read that I thought, did he have to mention that—or was there a reason for him to mention that? Has he been so out of touch in my son’s case that he forgot that Judge James Hankinson is the judge presiding over his case? I wondered why didn’t he mention anything about his bread and butter—State Attorney Willie Meggs and State Prosecutor Jack Campbell.
After paying Gregory Cummings $30,000 to defend my son, we (my son and I) still have no knowledge about three key pieces of evidence that the State Prosecutor Jack Campbell claims to support the charges against my son. One–the time of death of the victims; two—my son’s cell phone records–which were immediately sealed; and three—a sworn statement from my son’s co-worker/roommate, 21-year-old Trentin Ross. Just ask yourself, what type of defense attorney with good or even fair moral character, would not have or share these key pieces of evidence with their client– after being on a case for nearly a year and a half (sixteen months)?
In hindsight, Gregory Cummings obtained my son and I by using a cut-throat maneuver to his own colleagues. Gregory Cummings, being a Conflict Attorney with the Conflict Counsel’s office, was well aware that my son and I were waiting for the Conflict Counsel’s office to assign an attorney to my son’s case. I did not have the money to afford a private attorney—which what Gregory Cummings said he could handle my son’s case as—a private attorney. (It would’ve been foolish of me to immediately jump onboard with a private attorney—when I knew that I couldn’t immediately afford one.) With my son sitting in jail for over a month without any contact with an attorney and charges steadily being brought against him, such as Possession of a Firearm by a Juvenile Delinquent, and the Tallahassee Democrat stating that Georgia Cappleman told a Grand Jury that the victims were murdered with my son’s 9mm pistol—and in turn returning an Indictment against my son-I had to do something. Even a buffalo is not going to stand by and let a pack of lions eat their young.
Gregory Cummings again called me. He said, “Ms. Chambers your son needs an attorney, now!” I then agreed to retain him. A couple of days later, we signed a Contract for Service. He didn’t explain anything to me in regards to flat rate fee and an hourly rate fee—none of that is in the contract. Yes, I read where the fix fee of $35,000 retainer fee was non-refundable—but when you pay someone to provide a service and you trust that that person is going to provide that service—then you don’t care about getting your money back—all you want is good, if not excellent service. Imagine yourself signing a contract with a plumber to repair your toilet and it states ‘money for the service is non-refundable’. Who cares? All you want is to not have to deal with your toilet overflowing at 2:30 a.m. after you take your mid-morning tinkle (piss). I was to pay Gregory Cummings a total of $50,000. I was $5000 short of paying Gregory Cummings the total amount of the retainer fee. This was partly due to other family obligations (I’m the guardian of a teenage nephew with special needs and a great-niece born to a mentally disabled mother) and the other part was because I spent so much time running behind Gregory Cummings. I mean there were months on end when neither me nor my son would hear from him. It was a struggle for me to pay him the $1000 a month payment that we agreed upon—but he got it. I just trusted this guy for way too long. (I recently turned 40-years-old. If someone asked me what moment in my life would I drop my head down to in shame–I would say– trusting my 17-year-old son’s life to Gregory Cummings. And this tops a one-time situation when I was a 16-year-old single mom and I was having a hard time finding a babysitter to babysit my 9-month-old son while I went to work. When I called in to work pretending to be sick, my supervisor told me that if I didn’t come in to work that I was going to be fired. Really having no other alternative, I chose to leave my son with a woman who was a known crack addict. She had three small kids of her own that she barely cared for and an unclean apartment. I promised to pay her $20 to keep my son for 10 hours—hoping that the money would motivate her to properly care for my most cherished gift—my son. I remember praying all day for my son’s well being. I prayed the whole time during the city bus ride to work; the whole time while I worked my shift—this was in the late 80’s when in the housing project where I lived, it was considered a luxury to have a home phone—in which she did not have. I then prayed the whole while on the city bus after work. I even prayed while I was knocking on her door to pick my son up. When she opened the door with my son in her arms, he almost looked better than he looked when I left him with people who I trusted the most. I paid her for her services and I never asked her to babysit again. When my son, Robert Chambers, graduated from Florida State University in the spring of 2011—believe me when I tell you—there are no words that can explain how I felt.)
Gregory Cummings also stated in his response to my Florida Bar complaint that I was supposed to pay him the balance and any outstanding costs at trial. He states that he was prepared to go to trial all 4 trial dates that were reset at Pre-trial by State Prosecutor Jack Campbell (3 on the court docket). He complains that I never paid him the balance—well why would I pay him the remaining balance when he’d only seen my son a total of three times, did not hire an investigator or present any kind of legal defense what-so-ever. Gregory Cummings never asked my son anything about the relationship he had with the female victim and her brother. Gregory Cummings couldn’t tell you what type of person Trentin Ross (the state’s key witness) is because he never spoke to anyone who knows Trentin Ross. Trentin Ross and my son worked at Taco Bell together for almost a year. Gregory Cummings never spoke to any employees at Taco Bell about Trentin Ross or my son. So it wasn’t as if Gregory Cummings would’ve had to run all over the city of Tallahassee to gather information–he just was not concerned about communicating with my son.
I’m a seventies baby. After my parent’s divorce in the mid 1970’s, my seven siblings and I spent a short time in a Florida foster care facility. My dad tried to secure a nice lifestyle after his tours in the Vietnam War to include a new wife from Thailand (whom he’s still married too), by getting his seven kids out of foster care and relocating us to Michigan. But from what I can remember, the language barer and close age proximity to my teenage sisters of my dad’s new Thai wife made my dad’s life difficult. Soon we were all living with my mom out in Texas. My mom’s only reliable means of income was the child support that she received from my dad. When my mom relocated us back to Florida, she quickly found herself awaking all seven of her kids up during the wee hours of the morning (weekends only) and dragging us out in the frigid cold to walk to a pick up spot where we all got on a bus with a bunch of strangers to go pick oranges in an orange grove. I was the youngest child so my job was to climb the tree, pick the oranges and drop them down to my sisters (it’s a good thing that I was a tomboy—once the sun came out and warmed up a little—it was kind of fun). I got my first real job when I was 13-years-old at Wendy’s fast-food restaurant. I didn’t use a fake I.D. or anything. I think the manager took a look at my appearance, felt sorry for me and just hired me on the spot. Despite practicing safe sex, I got pregnant when I was 15-years-old. I struggled through high school, because I knew that if I dropped out, I wouldn’t be able to give my son the things that he needed to make ethical gains in his life. I graduated with my class. During 1996, DeShon’s dad and I were 24-years-old. We had custody of six of two of my sisters’ kids because I didn’t want to see them in foster care. All of the kids were under the age of 13. Then DeShon’s dad and I took in his three younger sisters while his mom was called up by her Army Reserve Unit to go do a tour in Somalia. During this time I was not only running my household—I was in college to become a paralegal and working.
A lot has changed in my life since then, but one thing that didn’t change is my work ethic. I didn’t finish college but I went to a technical school and got a Certificate in Business Software Technology. No matter where I worked, a lot of my colleagues thought that I had a full college education. It’s not because I’m so smart–it’s because no matter where I worked, I was always open minded and treated people with respect. So when Gregory Cummings discusses the financial part of our contract—it’s crazy for him to make it sound as if I wanted services from him without wanting to pay him. It’s crazy for him to think that I while I was paying him the money–he didn’t need to explain any type of accounting or information to my son and me about all things happening or not happening. It’s crazy for him to think that it’s ok to let State Prosecutor Jack Campbell keep asking for a Continuance at Pre-trial–and not Object to it–even if it was “Just for the Record.” Where was his defense? What I learned about Gregory Cummings is— he’s gotten so used to riding off of the State of Florida’s money and being spoon fed cases by the Conflict Counsel’s Office that he’s forgotten what it was like to actually work for his money. That’s probably why he doesn’t have a paralegal. Why would he have a paralegal when he can get the clerks at the Leon County Clerk of Courts to provide you with everything—no money out of his pockets.
The latest charge against my son, Solicitation to Commit Murder—against Trentin Ross—was none other than a curve ball thrown by the State Attorney’s office to buy time and try to get something to stick to my son. This charge came a week after Gregory Cummings learned about my complaint to The Florida Bar. According to the Probable Cause Report in this case, they started investigating my son in late June. Now how ironic is it that after I’d sent an email dated 6-22-12 to Gregory Cummings asking that because of me being a witness–can I be allowed to be present in the courtroom the entire time of the trial (in which Casey Anthony’s parents were allowed to be) and asking for a time for us to sit down and go over questions that must be asked to Trentin Ross in order to make sure that my son can answer the judge truthfully when at the end of his trial—the judge asks him how he feels about his representation and if all the questions asked to the witnesses were relevant questions in regard to his case (in which was asked by the judge at the end of Florida vs. Adam Kaufman case). Gregory Cummings had no problem asking me for question to ask the victims’ mother, but is offended by me wanting to offer up questions to ask State Prosecutor Jack Campbell. Gregory Cummings took that information in my email and shared it with State Prosecutor Jack Campbell. My son was immediately placed in solitary confinement. He’s been in solitary confinement now for 133 days. He’s been unable to have visitors and unable to make phone calls. They don’t want me to advice my son—that’s why they don’t want him to have visitors. My oldest son and I were the only people going to see my son—no one else. People placed in solitary confinement are not automatically stripped from having visitors or making phone calls.
My son and I would like for the 2nd District State Attorney and the Leon County Sheriff’s office to admit that they made a mistake in their haste to charge my son with the murders, but… State Prosecutor Jack Campbell seems to want to take his chances with putting a Fired former lead detective, Don Odham on the witness stand. Former Detective Don Odham was a disgrace to the badge (those aren’t my words—they’re his colleagues—I heard that they had an office party after he was Fired—I guess when your wife is a vice president, such as Former Detective Don Odham’s, you’ll have plenty of “Fake Friends” as long as you can provide them with services). When Former Detective Don Odham takes the witness stand, he’s going to have to explain what makes him qualified to have been the lead detective over a double homicide case. He’s going to have to remember the lies that he told. He’s going to have to decide which of the three different statements to use that he and only he took from Trentin Ross. Former Detective Don Odham stated that Trentin Ross told him that he drove my son to the victims’ residence, witnessed the murders from a far and then drove my son away from the crime scene. Former Detective Odham is going to be asked why Trentin Ross has not been charged in this double murder—considering he was a party to it. Former Detective Don Odham is going to have to answer so many questions—the public will see and hear why I’ve been scratching my head for nearly two years.
To my knowledge, Gregory Cummings didn’t take Former Detective Don Odham’s deposition. He didn’t tell me or my son that Detective Don Odham had been fired. (What kind of attorney doesn’t tell his 17-year-old client or his mother–that five months after being charged with 2 counts of 1st Degree murder and facing a life sentence in prison—that the only lead detective that lied to make it happen, has been Fired from the sheriff’s office for criminal behavior.) Gregory Cummings severely lack of communication cost my son and me—a “Hallelujah Moment.” The first night that my son and I walked into the Leon County Sheriff’s office—we stepped in there pure in heart. Immediately, Detective Don Odham did all but spit on us. When Detective Don Odham kicked me out of the sheriff’s office—forcing me to leave my son behind, this maniac was screaming and yelling at me the whole time as he escorted me from upstairs to the front door exit of the sheriff’s office. I warned him about his actions. I told him that my Father God watches over my family and to mistreat us was going to cost him. (We may all be sinners, but God has his chosen few.) How obvious—Detective Don Odham gets kicked out of the same building he kicked me out of. Now that Former Detective Don Odham no longer works for the Leon County Sheriff’s office, maybe in preparation for my son’s trial, he’s been spending all of his free time by catching up on episodes of In the Heat of the Night.
My son currently has an attorney that has been appointed to him by the Conflict Counsel’s Office. His name is Samuel Olmstead. Mr. Olmstead was court appointed to take over my son’s case shortly after my son Fired Gregory Cummings. After Mr. Olmstead took over my son’s case, it took him more than two months to meet with him. During the two months, I’d called Mr. Olmstead several times and left messages for him to call me—to no avail. I’m not surprised. I attended my son’s court management hearing in this past November hoping to meet with Mr. Olmstead (it was the 3rd court date that my son had—in which Mr. Olmstead had not been in court). Low and behold, Mr. Olmstead was not in court and Judge James Hankinson Continued about 10 or 12 of Mr. Olmstead’s cases. I wanted to get up and speak to Judge Hankinson about Mr. Olmstead’s lack of court appearances and contact with my son. But now that my son is in adult court, I humbly accept that that’s not something that I can do. But my Father can. Fortunately, there was this young lady who was a client of Mr. Olmstead’s. This young lady stood in front of Judge Hankinson, despite him telling her that no matter what she said, there was nothing that he could do, it didn’t stop her. This young lady told him every single word that I would’ve said in regards to Mr. Olmstead not being available to my son. Judge Hankinson non-chalantly responded to her by telling her that she would have to complain to his supervisor. But his response gave me some insight as to what type of judge he is. According to court documents that I’ve had an attorney view—Mr. Samuel Olmstead Conflicted off of my son’s case back in March 2011. So we’ll see what’s going on with him now.
My son and I can’t seem to cut a break in Tallahassee. When I come out of my pockets and pay an attorney for representation—we nearly get screwed. When I leave it up to the court system to appoint an attorney—we don’t know what’s going on. People say that mothers are naïve to their children’s behavior; I’m learning that I’m naïve to the people that I trust to do the right thing by my child.
I currently have a private attorney on standby in the Central Florida area (where my family and I now live). I’m working hard to get up the money to afford him/her. If anyone would like to donate money to my son’s legal defense, please go to click on DeShon’s Corner and click the donate button. Thank you in advance for your donation.

TaxWatch? Court Appointed Defense Attorney Gregory Cummings Travels To U.S. Virgin Islands During Rachel Hoffman Murder Trial

No matter what type of legal case a person may find themselves a party to, a financial discussion will usually take place during the first meeting. When I first met Mr. Gregory Cummings it was in a back office at a bondsman’s office (Mr. Cummings complained about the surroundings, yet he chose for us to met there). The only thing that I knew about Mr. Cummings was that he’d represented murder suspect Danielo Bradshaw during the Rachel Hoffman Murder Trial. I didn’t know as to what capacity he’d represented Danielo Bradshaw under, but I knew Mr. Bradshaw wasn’t the actual triggerman and received a life sentence. In no way did I judge Mr. Cummings on his representation of Mr. Bradshaw. Personally, I didn’t know enough about Mr. Bradshaw’s involvement to have an opinion on his sentencing. Furthermore, most of what I learned about Mr. Cummings and his handling of Mr. Bradshaw’s case came from Mr. Cummings himself. Mr. Cummings told me that he was Mr. Bradshaw’s Court Appointed Attorney. At that time my only knowledge of Court Appointed Attorneys fell under Public Defender. So Mr. Cummings was nice enough to explain to me the difference between a Public Defender and an attorney working out of the Conflict Counsel’s Office. In summary, they’re basically the same—they’re both paid out of taxpayer’s dollars. One particular event that Mr. Cummings discussed in regards to Mr. Bradshaw’s case was how he (Mr. Cummings) and a private investigator that was assisting him on the case took a trip down to the U.S. Virgin Islands to interview Mr. Bradshaw’s grandmother. Mr. Cummings seemed to gloat about the travel and the time he and the private investigator spent down there. He never did mention what Mr. Bradshaw’s grandmother had to say.

Now you must know that one of the reasons why I hired Mr. Cummings was because he (Mr. Cummings) told me that although he could not take my son’s case through the Conflict Counsel’s Office, he could file Indigence on my son’s behalf. He specifically stated that the reason why he worked alone (no paralegal) was because he knew how to file the necessary paperwork himself in order to get the State to cover some of his costs. Clearly, Mr. Cummings didn’t want me to believe that he and the private investigator financed their trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands out of their generosity and determination to help Mr. Bradshaw. So the question is who financed the trip? And what was the purpose for the trip? I don’t think that it takes a “rocket scientist” to know who financed the trip. I do know that Danielo Bradshaw’s grandmother was not a “key witness” in the murder case. I learned through a close source that Mr. Cummings did use Mr. Bradshaw’s grandmother’s statement as a character witness’ statement. However, as taxpayer’s we know that a trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands by a Court Appointed Attorney to obtain a statement for the purpose of a murder suspect’s character is not a justifiable expense—especially if it was on our (taxpayers) dime.

Mr. Cummings was on my son’s case for a year and four months; I paid him approximately $32,000. He did not bother to hire a private investigator. He did not travel the short distance to the Daytona Beach area to take Trentin Ross’ deposition (Trentin Ross is the person that the Assistant State Attorney/Jack Campbell is calling their “key witness’”). Mr. Cummings did not bother to set up a teleconference or a video conference for a deposition. It’s not secret and I will tell anyone that the State of Florida’s pockets are way deeper than mine. I can’t afford to pay for myself to fly to the U.S. Virgin Islands, let alone an attorney and a private investigator. Mr. Cummings spending as a Court Appointed Attorney extremely surpasses what I had to offer as a private client. When placed on a scale, Mr. Cummings past, present, and future cases that come directly out of the State Attorney’s Office or Conflict Counsel’s Office outweighed the injustice that State Attorney/Prosecutor Jack Campbell was/is striving to serve a 17-year-old child.

Danielo Bradshaw’s case was just one case. God knows how many other cases have passed through the Leon County Courthouse whereas taxpayers paid for “Perks” associated with the case.

Tallahassee Citizens FYI–Sideshow Continues

First things first—in this article dated 12/18/2011 I stated that my son, DeShon Rashard Thomas, was “Neutral” about his ex-girlfriend, Laqecia Herring (deceased) being pregnant with his child. It was the LEON COUNTY SHERIFF’S DETECTIVES—NOT Laqecia Herring and Sterling Conner Jr’s FAMILY MEMBERS who assumed that there was hostility between my son and Ms. Herring. According to reports, this BOLDFACED LIE about the VICTIMS FAMILY MEMBERS stating that there was hostility between DeShon Thomas and Laqecia Herring was presented to judges, the media, and the Grand Jury which led to signatures on search warrants, arrest warrants, and an indictment by the Grand jury.

With friends like Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell, who needs enemies?

After my son was charged with 2 counts of 1st Degree Murder, he sat in jail for over 30 days without a public defender. I called and visited the Public Defender’s office on several occasions trying to find out what public defender was assigned to my son’s case. Each time I was told that it was still in the Conflict Counsel’s Office and had not yet been assigned to anyone. Acting on a referral, I met and eventually retained Mr. Gregory Cummings on March 12, 2011 to represent my son. According to the Docket Report on Case Process, the public defender who was assigned my son’s case– name doesn’t appear until March 21, 2011. He then withdraws from the case on March 23, 2011. Coincidence or… Oh it gets deeper, but I’m going to leave that part right there for now.

Fast forward to July 18, 2012, I finally “smelled” the stink with my son’s attorney and I told him to fire him. I’ll also leave that right there for now.

Now as far as Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell and my son’s ex-attorney, (shaking my head). My son’s trial date has been reset 3 or more times in 2012—all State’s Motion for Continuance. What defense attorney who tells his client and his client’s family that he’s prepared to go to trial– allows his client to catch another charge, especially a charge such as Conspiracy to Commit Murder against a witness. That Conspiracy to Commit Murder charge against my son alone just super strengthened my complaint. When I hired this attorney to represent my 17-year-old son on two counts of 1st Degree Murder, I thought that he’d at least hire a private investigator, interview some character witnesses, verbally open up the Discovery Report more with my son—you know build a strong defense case or at least act like it. Because as an experienced attorney, he should know that a 17-year-old won’t know exactly what he’d be reading if the Discovery Report was handed to him. Oops!!! That’s where I came into play at. Well, at least up until I told my son to fire his attorney. So now Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell throws my son’s ex-attorney under the bus. Then he keeps it in the family with his dad Sheriff Larry Campbell, by preventing me (my son’s only source of real truth and BS detector) from visiting him. So now my son who is now 19-years-old has no way of contacting me or anyone else as far as learning who’s his new attorney. On Friday when my son called me to tell me about this Conspiracy charge, when I mention the words “the attorney that I spoke with”, the phone went dead. My son didn’t call me back. Since my son has fired his attorney (shaking my head), he’s been charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder against a witness, placed in confinement (where he can’t receive any visits from anyone other than an attorney. The majority of his family lives over 300 miles away). I mean seriously, what next? Whose idea was it to tell to leave my son’s mug shot up on their website for 2 days? Whoever, recommended it to, please tell to post the original Probable Cause Report for the 2 counts of 1st Degree Murder charges that is dated February 7, 2011. For whatever reason, started posting the Probable Cause Reports online a month or so after February. Will you please ask them if they can retro back?

Tallahassee citizens, this is why you all need to dismantle this “jagged, Good Ol Boy Network”. The Leon County Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office will maliciously and childishly go after you and/or your loved one if you don’t go along with what they want you to do. And from what I’ve been reading on the TallahasseeO, it doesn’t matter if you’re an inmate, a Leon County Sheriff’s employee, a State Attorney’s employee or just an ordinary citizen, if you don’t do as you’re told by y’all “Daddy”, then you’re doomed. And, and– generations of your relatives behind you are doomed. Black and white people were slaves. We’re all too good to have to deal with this crap! I don’t live in Tallahassee anymore, but as far as I’m concerned, this Good Ol Boy Network will ‘PUT Y’ALL BACK IN CHAINS’ (in my Vice President Joe Biden voice)


Game Being Played By the Assistant State Attorney’s Office: Hide and Go Seek

In April 2012, Attorney David Chester of Tallahassee filed a lawsuit against Sheriff Larry Campbell and Sgt. Brian Pearson. The lawsuit alleges that Sgt. Pearson, the lead detective in the shooting death of David Mays, kept a “secret” file on the Mays investigation. The “secret file” was to have included personal case notes and other documents. It was reported that after receiving a public-records request, Sgt. Pearson ran the materials, including compact discs through a paper shredder. All and all, at the time of the request—nothing was handed over.

David Chester’s lawsuit was covered by Circuit Judge Kevin J. Carroll, who issued an order of the Sheriff’s Office to show cause as to why the requests in the lawsuit should not be granted. The judge gave them 60 days to comply.

On February 7, 2011, my 17-year-old son, DeShon Thomas was charged with 2 counts of 1st Degree Premeditated Murder (narrowly missing a 3rd count of murder because the female victim in this case (his 20-year-old ex-girlfriend) was about 21 weeks pregnant at the time). Through interviews of people close to the victims, eyewitness accounts, my son’s employer (alibis), law enforcement officer’s statements and other crucial information—the victims’ time of death is essential to this case. My son, who is now 18-years-old, has been in the Leon County Jail for approximately 458 days. From day one, I’d always inquired about the time of death of the victims. Only to be told that the 2 victims autopsy reports are “confidential” information.

Not long after George Zimmerman’s arrest for the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Discovery documents, including his autopsy report, were released to the public. Soon Trayvon Martin’s Autopsy Report was all over the Internet and on the front page of newspapers. Seeing all of this reignited the fact that I still did not know what the time of death was of the victims in my son’s case. Now, I wanted to know how to go about getting a copy of the victims’ autopsy report.

I called the Leon County Clerk of Courts—they did not have it. They referred me to the State Attorney’s Office. Well, to me—that’s like a woman asking an abusive husband to put a steak over the black eye that he gave her. I was reluctant to call the State Attorney’s Office. Instead I called the District Two Medical Examiner’s Office. The person whom I spoke with over the phone was very, very nice and helpful. The person told me that I could in fact get a copy of the victims’ autopsy report but only after their case is closed. Huh–? The person told me that the case status showed “on-going investigation”. I explained that there had been an arrest in the case. I asked why does it say that it’s an “on-going investigation”? Unfortunately, the person couldn’t answer that question. However, the person was able to answer a few of my questions successfully. But in the end, I was referred back to the State Attorney’s Office. I called the State Attorney’s Office being vague but also letting them know what I was looking for in the Discovery. I felt like I would be more successful if I just put in the request in person. When I arrived in Tallahassee, the second place I went was to the courthouse. Yes—I went to the State Attorney’s Office. I explained to the woman what I was looking for—a copy of the Medical Examiner’s Report. She pulled the victims information up on the computer. She seemed to be stunned to see that although there was an arrest on the case, the status of the case stated “on-going investigation”. When I asked her who was responsible for closing investigations so that these records can be accessed by the public, she told me that the secretaries were responsible for closing the case. Then she told me that, if I wanted to know why the case had not been closed, then I needed to speak with Jack Campbell—not his secretary. She told me that he was the only one who could tell me—why the case has not been closed. She then pointed out the directions to his office. I didn’t bother to go to his office. Simply because they seem to have sealed my son’s cell phone records and now they’ve left this case file open so that no one can access their autopsy report.

Hide-and-Go-Seek 101—players conceal themselves in the environment, to be found by one or more seekers.

I can’t begin to imagine how many other cases are out there fighting really hard for access to public records.

Two Police Officers Arrested on Drug Charges

LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Two Little Rock police officers were arrested Thursday on  federal drug charges that accused them of driving their marked patrol cars and  wearing their uniforms while protecting controlled drug  deliveries.

Officers Mark Anthony Jones and Randall Tremayn Robinson, who  are half-brothers, face charges of conspiring to aid and abet and attempting to  aid and abet the possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and  possessing a firearm while taking part in a drug-trafficking crime, prosecutors  said.

Both have been placed on paid administrative leave, Little Rock  police spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings said.

“It is disheartening to know  that members of this department are alleged to have violated their oaths and our  trust in the manner detailed in the criminal complaint,” Police Chief Stuart  Thomas said in a statement, which also praised other officers who participated  in the investigation.

It wasn’t clear whether Jones, 45, and Robinson,  38, had lawyers. A message left at a phone number listed for a Randall T.  Robinson wasn’t returned, and a woman who answered a phone listing for a Mark A.  Jones said it wasn’t the right number.

Both men are scheduled to appear  in court Friday morning.

An FBI agent wrote in an affidavit that Jones  was wearing his uniform, carrying a weapon and driving a market patrol car when  he was involved in the protection of three controlled drug deliveries  orchestrated by a confidential informant working with  investigators.

Prosecutors allege that Robinson took part in protecting  the third delivery while driving a marked patrol car on duty and in uniform.  Investigators said the deliveries totaled about 1,400 pounds of  marijuana.

The FBI agent wrote that the informant called Jones in January  and arranged to meet him at a Whole Foods grocery store, where Jones would be  working an off-duty security job.

During the recorded meeting, the  informant said he was on herb, a slang term for marijuana, and needed someone to  watch his back. Jones told him to plan it out and let him know what he needed,  according to the affidavit.

Jones provided security for a controlled  delivery of what he believed to be 200 pounds of pharmaceutical-grade marijuana,  according to the affidavit. The FBI agent said Jones received $2,000 for  protecting what he thought was a drug shipment.

In March, Jones and  Robinson both provided security for the controlled delivery of what they thought  was 1,000 pounds of marijuana, according to the affidavit. Both officers were on  duty, armed, in uniform and driving marked patrol vehicles, the affidavit said.

While Robinson was providing security to one vehicle, there was a  shooting in west Little Rock, and all police cars were ordered to  respond.

“As other police cars were traveling to the scene of the  shooting, they passed Robinson’s patrol car following the vehicle with the  marijuana,” the affidavit says. The incident was allegedly recorded by cameras  in the police cars responding to the shooting.

That same day, Jones  picked up two packages each containing $5,000 for their help, according to the  affidavit.

Read more:  The Courier – Your Messenger for the River Valley – Two police officers arrested on drug charges

Education Commissioner, Gerard Robinson resigns

Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson resigned unexpectedly Tuesday, saying that “living far away from my family” was too much of a challenge to continue as Florida’s schools chief.

Robinson’s departure is effective Aug. 31, according to letters he sent to Gov. Rick Scott and Kathleen Shanahan, chairman of the State Board of Education.


Wow!!! What’s really going on?

Dishonored Ex-Lead Detective in Double Murder Case Still on Assistant State Attorney’s A+ List

As working-class taxpayers, the one thing that most of us look forward to is spending time with our family members. Whether it’s a spur of the moment lunch date with a husband/wife; a stop at McDonald’s with the kids after a long day at work or—or– a summer vacation that you spent the entire fringed-cold winter planning. No matter what, most of us look forward to our family time.


But as working-class taxpayers—who’s your daddy? (especially in this economy) Who-is-your-daddy? Your employer is your daddy! It doesn’t matter how early you come into work and how late you leave work. It doesn’t matter how much over-time you’ve put in or special projects you’ve completed. At the end of the day, it’s up to your employer as to if the time that you’ve requested off to spend time with your family member is approved or not. There are honorable American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and providing services abroad who have missed the birth of their first born child because the job that they signed up for (to serve and protect our country) would not allow them to leave their posts.


Where am I going with this? Well, I’m getting there. None of us will forget Rachel Hoffman. There were approximately 100 people called up for jury selection for her civil suit. ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE! Think about how many parents missed breakfast with their kids. Think about how many parents had to make alternative arrangements to get their kids to and from school. Think about how many employers had to reschedule meetings and change their work schedules. Oh my gosh! I could go on and on with this… All for the City of Tallahassee to settle for $2.6 million without any use of the final six jurors they selected.


In August 2011, Detective Don Odham was FIRED from the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. This ex-detective, who was promoted to a lead detective position on a double murder case probably because of his financial contributions to Sheriff Larry Campbell’s past and present election campaigns, more so than his credentials, had already done a disservice to the Leon County Sheriff’s office and the citizens of Leon County by his unethical actions that cost him his job. It’s been noted that this dishonorable man, who was just a reserve deputy, has plenty of money. So really, unlike hard working-class taxpayers—a job loss for him doesn’t mean that his kids are going to miss a meal or any family time. That’s why I was so disgusted when I looked in my son’s court file and came across this Order of Continuance along with an email sent to Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell. By the granting of this Motion for Continuance, my son’s trial date was rescheduled TWO MONTHS out. In the email, this guy is so selfish! This unethical ex-detective was FIRED. Why should he be allowed to keep his vacation plans, all at the extra expense of the taxpayers? Think about the thousands of dollars a day it costs to house an inmate in the Leon County Jail. This money comes from every day hard-working citizens. If anything, this unethical ex-detective should’ve viewed his “hardship” as a way to make up for his unethical behavior that caused him to get FIRED in the first place. And Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell should’ve withheld the Order of Continuance because of the masses and the cost to taxpayers. When one person, who doesn’t seem to have a paying job or any kids to prepare for school in the fall, can set a judicial proceeding back TWO MONTHS…not only are hardworking taxpayers be up in arms…I’m up in arms about whether or not if my son will get a fair and just trial. Can somebody please tell me who’s really running the courtroom?


If nothing else, just let this article be a testimony for you—unless you have friends in high places and friends with money, don’t set your plans in stone. And if you’re up against Assistant State Attorney Jack Campbell— follow the paper trail—if it doesn’t bring you pain, it may bring you humor.

Cop’s 3-year-old son Shot with Handgun at Home

By Bob Redell,
July 6, 2012, 10:16 am

In what police describe as a tragic accident, the 3-year-old son of a San Jose, Calif., police officer was shot and killed Wednesday evening at his home in Gilroy. The boy’s death from his wounds was confirmed late Thursday.

The Gilroy Dispatch newspaper reported that three other children were inside the home at the time of the incident, indicating this might have happened during a play date.

Police won’t say who pulled the trigger of the handgun, but reports say the boy either shot himself or another child accidentally fired the gun.

For more, visit

“Unfortunately, emergency personnel were unable to save the boy and he was pronounced deceased while en route to a local hospital,” Gilroy Sgt. Chad Gallacinao said in a statement.

He added that the investigation will focus on how the gun was stored inside the house and why a child was able to get their hands on it.

It is not known if the gun was the father’s police-issued firearm.

This is so tragic!

That’s why I thank God every day for my children. We can’t control what our kids put their hands on; that’s why as adults we have to make sure we keep handguns locked up–stored away properly. The handguns that my son got his hands on belonged to careless officers. My son was 14-years-old at the time. He didn’t have the mentality then and he doesn’t have the mentality now to shoot anyone or any living thing. I was most angry at him for bringing a gun in my house because like the above story, accidents do happen.

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Affect on Florida Juveniles

At least 250 Florida inmates could seek reduced sentences as the result of aU.S. Supreme Court decision declaring that states cannot mandate life terms without possibility of parole for those convicted of committing murder when they were under age 18.

Monday’s decision was hailed by juvenile-justice and civil-rights advocates who have long argued that children should be treated differently from adults in the criminal-justice system and that juveniles have a greater capacity to change.


Hard science demonstrates that teenagers and young adults are not fully mature in their judgment, problem-solving and decision-making capacities.